Proper storage of products

In the face of Easter and the accumulated food reserves, we would like to draw your attention to the problem of food waste. In the last post (you can find it HERE) we wrote how to prepare for celebrations sensibly and how to share the excess of festive dishes with those in need with openness of heart.

Acting with zerowaste with mind we try to value and use what we have.

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Can we reduce the risk of infection with the virus through diet?

For now, no one knows whether flu/cold scientific research also applies to coronavirus. The new coronavirus is too new and is not structurally the same as flu or viruses causing colds. Nevertheless, the current pandemic is caused by a VIRUS.  And the fact that diet and supplements affect the development of viruses is scientifically proven. So I think it’s worth trying to naturally strengthen your immunity against viruses and reduce the risk of infection.

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Depression – a disease that needs to be addressed and talked about

February 23 is World Day of Fight with Depression. Mental health consists of, among others, good physical condition, and Just Health can take care of it best! In this article you will find information about how much you need to train to improve your mood and what to eat to ensure full functionality of the nervous system.

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Kombucha – have you already heard of it?

Kombucha is still gaining in popularity. Few people know that this is a drink that originates in Japan, which our ancestors already knew, but for a while it was forgotten… It is slowly entering the market again, more specifically on food and functional beverage shelves.

Kombucha has many fans – maybe because of the sweet taste or feeling refreshing after drinking it? Or is it adored for being healthy (if it is made without unnecessary, artificial additives), and at the same time a colourful and sparkling drink?

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