Oolong tea, which is a synonym of vitality, healthy heart and weight loss

This year, winter came to us in January, so I’m sure that on these cold evenings a cup of hot and warming tea appears in the hands of many people. At the same time, January is a month of New Year’s resolutions, often related to weight loss or health. So what word connects slimming, health and tea? This is oolong, or black dragon tea!

The word oolong comes from the Chinese language and means “black dragon tea”. Oolong teas are half-fragmented Chinese tea leaves, which in China are collectively referred to as a group of blue or emerald teas.

Oolong tea very effectively supports weight loss. It can double the amount of fat burned. Studies show that people who drink 2 cups a day of this tea burn 157% of body fat compared to people who drink 2 cups of green tea. The mechanism of action of this drink is the activation of thermogenesis, which increases lipid oxidation. Regular consumption of oolong tea means an increase in energy expenditure by 3-4%. People who drink this tea burn more calories per day, on average by 67 kcal. In contrast, lipid oxidation is 12% higher. Oolong also reduces the risk of heart disease and heart attack. Studies from 2010 on people aged 40-79 show a clear relationship between drinking oolong tea and a low risk of heart attack and heart disease. One of the components of the above action may be the positive effect of oolong on blood cholesterol. In addition, oolong tea helps reduce hypertension. Like other teas, oolong prevents the formation of cancerous changes. We owe this health benefit to strong antioxidant properties. Oolong tea also helps in the treatment of type II diabetes by better regulation of blood sugar, as well as strengthens vitality and energises, improves brain function and supports the treatment of skin lesions such as rashes or blemishes.