In the case of excess weight, i.e. when the BMI is in the range of 25-30 kg / m2, 2 – 4 kg per month should be reduced. Of course, it is best if as many of these kilograms as possible are fat, because it is not about burning the muscles that allow us to run. To achieve this, the diet must be well balanced in terms of macro and micronutrients.
If a person has not cared for their diet or did not exercise regular physical activity, we will initially observe the effect of bowel cleansing. Physical activity has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and their peristalsis. A person who introduces healthy eating habits and starts exercising may experience greater weight loss in the first two weeks. These lost kilograms are many times nothing other than undigested food remains trapped in intestinal folds. However, you should not overdo it and lose more than 8 kg in the first month. This involves two basic threats.
First of all, too fast weight loss is associated with a huge risk of yo-yo effect. Calm and balanced reduction means a long-lasting effect.
The second danger is stopping metabolism. If we supply too little energy to the body, it may turn out that there are not enough calories for basic processes of protein, enzyme or regeneration processes. By suddenly reducing calories, the body will postpone certain processes. If the caloric restriction lasts for a long time, we can not only lead to a decrease in well-being and fatigue, but also to serious health problems. The best example is the story of my friend who decided to fight her obesity through walking and diet. Theoretically, she did not take dangerous steps, did not go on a 1000 kcal diet, nor did she try to run intensively. Unfortunately, she did not verify her plans with a doctor, dietitian or personal trainer. She was thin at a moderate, healthy pace. Until … During one of the marches, she suddenly lost consciousness, suffered a heart attack, which unfortunately ended in death. So don’t limit yourself to learning the theory of healthy weight loss. Dare to meet the person who will most of all ensure your health.