The answer is simple. We don’t have to know each other for me to be able to say with a high probability that you have experienced back pain before.
Back pain is a nightmare of today’s times. A civilisation problem. Increasingly more young people even complain about the back pain. It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you’re a woman or a man, how much you weigh, what you do. Sooner or later you will also get it…
Sounds like a curse? It’s a bit like that, but we have to face the music. If you know that you won’t miss what to do about it either? Lie down and look forward to it? Or maybe downplay the problem?
Do you have 5 minutes? I’ll tell you what’s actually going on with those sore backs.
Your back plays a very important role. The spine protects the spinal cord, guards the neurological system, closes like armor and guards the spinal cord, which together with the brain controls our body. In addition, thanks to it we hold the vertical ? Cervical spine holds our head, allowing it to move freely. It also carries the rest of the body – not only maintains the correct posture, allowing us to move, but also “carries us through every day” that you experience emotionally. Any sad, difficult or stressful situation requires “carrying you” by your back. So don’t be surprised if your head and even your entire back hurts after some difficult times.
The back often hurts after physical exercise (in the gym, after working in the garden) or through the profession we do, which requires us to make often monotonous movements. This is when muscle overloads most often occur. You can feel your back even after a night spent on the wrong mattress.
Behind the generalized term “my back hurts” for me as a masseur or physiotherapist there is something deeper.
The upper back, that is, the cervical section, neck, shoulder rim often can be felt after emotionally difficult moments, thus causing headache, dizziness or tinnitus. Then you can feel “as if someone has nailed a board between your shoulder blades”, and your shoulders seem sluggish.
The middle, that is, the thoracic segment is often overloaded with constant repeated activities. Then you may have the feeling of a belt tightening on your ribs, as if something was blocking you from being able to take a deeper breath.
The bottom back, that is, the lumbar section often suffers through physical work or a sedentary lifestyle (many hours behind the desk), which unfortunately does not affect our movement system well. In this case, in addition to the pain located at in the lower back, there may even be numbness of the legs.
If you say “my back hurts”, in 90% cases it means that you have a soft skeleton problem (muscles, fascia, ligament). And all this, fortunately, can be worked on ? of course there are more serious causes, so it is worth going to the orthopedist, which may recommend additional tests.
Pain can also cause posture defects, degenerative changes. Bone tissue cannot be changed, however, together we can take care and strengthen the paravertebral muscles minimising pain. Professional massage and properly selected strengthening and stretching exercises can work wonders!
You do not need to take tablets, you should not ignore the pain, which can become a chronic pain, because then it will take more time to work on it… The recipe is simple! Listen to yourself and your body. Pain is a signal, crying out for help from within. You are not alone with this problem. Next time your back hurts – you know what to do! ?