A few tips to make a beginning of your beautiful running adventure easier

Nice weather, sun is shining, days are getting longer … and if we add a trend of being fit and running, it turns out that we meet runners every few meters on  the park path.

Some have been running for a long time and others are just starting their running adventure. These beginners of course do not know anything about training or running yet, but can you determine what are the most common mistakes of amateur runners?

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What is a deep tissue massage?

Deep tissue massage (DTM) is a massage aimed at removing tension in the myofascial system by relaxing, lengthening and making the tissues more elastic. It is made without the use of olive oil or with its minimum amount to better affect the fascia. Deep massage can be performed passively or with active participation of the patient, i.e. the therapist massages and the patient performs movement. During this massage, trigger points are also removed, i.e. excessively strained muscle fibers, which during pressure cause a lot of pain that can radiate. It is an unpleasant feeling, but it brings a quick effect. Already after the first massage, patients feel a marked improvement and relief.

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Does buying eggs from hens fed with GMO-free feed make sense?

Easter is approaching. Without a doubt, each shopping basket will contain some eggs. Of course, the best choice are unlabeled eggs from a countryside hen that roams freely around the yard. However, not everyone has the opportunity to buy such eggs. I suspect that many people are already aware that from reading the egg code, we can find out whether the eggs are free range or, for example, from cage breeding. Many people who care about the environment and healthy nutrition are guided by this information when choosing eggs. Some also pay attention to the fact whether the eggs come from hens fed with GMO-free feed. And now we get to few questions: what exactly is GMO? Are GMO crops really harmful to us? Can an egg from a hen fed with GMO feed be dangerous to our health? I will try to answer these and other questions regarding GMOs.

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Sciatica – what is it and how to deal with it?

Generally, sciatica is a condition in which some structure is compressed on the sciatic nerve. This nerve comes from the so-called sacral plexus, i.e. the connection of nerve roots coming out of the segments of the spine from L4 to S3. Further passes through the buttock, along the back of the thigh, and in the popliteal below it branches to the tibial and common peroneal nerve, which run down to the toes of the foot. The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the human body.

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The key to being happy is not to interfere with happiness!

There are a few things that are virtually a 100% guarantee to improve your mood. Chocolate, romantic comedy for women, a good match with a cold beer for men. Everyone has their own way to improve their mood. The situation is not so simple when it comes to achieving a true feeling of happiness in life because there is no universal method. However, there are a lot of superstitions and unjust views on achieving happiness. The time has come to bring down the greatest myths and become happy!

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Discover hidden sugar

Sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, fructose, sucrose – evil can have many names. The question is will you get caught up in marketing tricks? If you want to eat healthy, don’t you reach for the sugar bomb? Do you know how to really avoid sugar? Do you know how to help yourself fight sweet cravings? You will find answers to all these questions and many more in the article below. Enjoy reading!

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Shin splints, i.e. functional overload among runners

Are you physically active? Do you run a lot, walk, play football?
So you can struggle with such ailment as the antero-medial pain of the tibia, which begins during training (which cannot be dispersed), or after training. The name of this disease is shin splints, more precisely MTSS (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome). The pain is dull, diffuse, stinging, not allowing the continuation of activity. The medial part of the lower leg is very tender, lumps may appear.

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Microflora and its impact on our personality

What does our intestinal microflora impact on? Oh well…the question seems to be rather simple to answer for me – on everything…What does ‘everything’ actually consist of? Is it our brain? For sure! Is it our behaviour? Yes! Is it our personality? It turns out that also that! Research published barely a month ago provides us with more information on this topic. Let’s try to find out more!

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Combinations bringing most health benefits: eggs & cottage cheese

Nowadays, we have practically endless possibilities of combining various food products. Supermarkets do not only offer regional and seasonal produce, but also foreign and exotic foods. Thanks to this, our cuisine certainly becomes more diverse and interesting, but it should be remembered that food products interact with each other, affecting the bioavailability of minerals and vitamins, that is our body’s ability to use nutrients. Among diet specialists, there is a very justifiable saying: “you are not what you eat but what you digest.” Bad combinations can cause weakness of the digestive tract, reduce immunity, weight gain and many health problems. On the other hand, well-chosen food products mutually improve the absorption of nutrients, resulting in increased benefits.

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