The key to being happy is not to interfere with happiness!

There are a few things that are virtually a 100% guarantee to improve your mood. Chocolate, romantic comedy for women, a good match with a cold beer for men. Everyone has their own way to improve their mood. The situation is not so simple when it comes to achieving a true feeling of happiness in life because there is no universal method. However, there are a lot of superstitions and unjust views on achieving happiness. The time has come to bring down the greatest myths and become happy!


Myth 1: „It is genetical”

Well, that’s true. Some people have a genetic predisposition to be cheerful and happy. However, let’s remember that genes are not everything! Quite less than half, because only 30%. Most of the things depend on us and our environment! In addition, we can learn to be an optimistic and a happy person. Learning to be happy is no different from learning a foreign language. The beginnings, of course, can be difficult. In the case of lessons in a new language, we do not have good pronunciation, we lack words, but after some time we gain fluency. It’s the same with happiness. Perhaps your smile is forced, but believe me, even a forced smile will make you feel better. What’s more, with time the smile will start appearing on your face regularly. So, yes, being constantly sad might be genetic, but only if you allow the genome to take control and you won’t even intend to implement positive habits.

Początki oczywiście mogą być trudne. W przypadku lekcji nowego języka nie mamy dobrej wymowy, brakuje nam słówek, ale przecież z czasem nabieramy płynności. Tak samo jest w przypadku szczęścia. Być może Twój uśmiech jest wymuszony, ale wierz mi, nawet wymuszony uśmiech sprawi, że poczujesz się lepiej. Co więcej z czasem uśmiech sam zacznie regularnie pojawiać się na Twojej twarzy. A więc tak, to genetyczne, ale tylko wtedy, kiedy pozwolisz genom przejąć kontrolę i zaniechasz wprowadzania w życie pozytywnych nawyków.

Myth 2: „Happiness depends on what’s happening in my life”

Most people think that they can not be happy, when something bad is happening at work, in a relationship or in a family. However, psychologists believe that only 10% of our happiness in life depends on the events around us, while 90% is based on the way our brain perceives the world. This is very good news for all of us. Very often we are not able to change the events of our lives, but we have control over the perception of these events. Try to find at least a little joy after a “hard day.” It will definitely help you find a good solution to your problems, and then achieving happiness will be much easier.

Myth 3: „Optimists are naive”

Irrational optimism is obviously not an ideal solution, but positive attitude and rationalism will bring you many benefits. If you are in a difficult situation, it does not mean that it is a dead-end situation. “Happy brain” is more creative and effective, and problem-solving abilities are increased. What is impossible for pessimists, becomes feasible for optimists.

Myth 4: „A grim friend infects me with sadness”

It is true that the negative mood of the other person can be passed onto you. However, there is the other side of the coin. Your joy can be shared with people in your environment. According to specialists of interpersonal relations, positive and negative mood have the same effect on the other person. However, research shows that people who are full of verbal and nonverbal expressions are those that have the greatest impact. So do not restrain yourself from showing joy. Become that person who infects with happiness!

Myth 5: „Success in professional life makes us feel happy”

Achieving successes in your professional life does not guarantee happiness. You can be developing your career all your life and the level of your happiness will remain at the same level. Career is not a determinant of happiness. Interestingly, the scientific study shows a completely reverse dependence. People who work on a positive attitude to life and those who try to enjoy small things, become more successful in the future. It’s the happiness that generates a successful career, not the other way round!

Myth 6: „Being happy won’t help me with anything”

Many people think that happiness has nothing to do with achievements or results at work. Such opinion is completely untrue. Being happy brings unbelievable benefits in sport, school and work. Do you need a proof? Scientific research shows that joyful surgeons have a more precise hand, happy analysts are more accurate, smiling salesmen have better sales results, positive athletes have better achievements. You can list endlessly. Simply being happy helps in every area of ​​work regardless whether it is mental or physical work.

Myth 7: „Reaching the goal will make me happy”

Do you think that losing 5 kilograms or buying a new flat will bring you happiness? Are you sure? Think again! You will lose 5 kilograms and decide that it would be useful to drop 2 more kilograms. You will buy a new flat and then start thinking about building your own home. Every time you reach the goal, you raise the bar and start to strive for new success. Do not wait with a smile! Enjoy that you managed to drop your weight by half a kilogram, get joy from every zloty saved for a new flat.

Mit 8: „Happiness can not be bought with money”

Yes, if you go to a shop, you will not find a product called “happiness” anywhere. However, sociological research shows that spending money on experiences is associated with a greater sense of happiness. Other studies have shown that pro-social spending of money significantly raises our level of happiness. What lies under the concept of pro-social spending? For example, buying flowers for your girlfriend or mom, cinema or bowling tickets, spending money in the pub, of course when with friends. Charitable donations are also included in this group. However, everything has its limits. I do not urge you to mindlessly spend your money. However, if you have the choice between spending money on meeting with you friends or buying a new pair of jeans, choose option number one!

Myth 9: Training brings only a momentary feeling of happiness.

I hope you know that endorphins, or the happiness hormones are released during exercise. It is endorphins that are responsible for this huge satisfaction and happiness that you feel after a good workout. However, this is not the end of the positive impact of physical activity. Scientific research shows that 30 minutes of aerobic training performed several times a week for six months brings better results than taking antidepressants. The wellbeing of active people is better, moreover, these people are less likely to experience return of a bad mood. What’s more, exercise improves the ability to deal with stressful and problematic situations. At this point, I’d better finish the subject of the benefits of physical activity, because the list is endless.