Useful fat tissue?

There are two types of fat tissue in the human body – white and brown. But why do we need both?

White fat tissue participates in metabolic changes in the body, plays a secretory role, is a storage for excess energy, protects internal organs against mechanical damage and absorbs shocks. What’s more, it is the brown fat tissue that everyone desires! But why exactly?

Brown fat tissue occurs only in mammals, its key task is to maintain a constant body temperature and use of excess energy to generate heat and spread it throughout the body. Therefore, the more there is of it, the better, more energy is used and not stored by our body.

Its dysfunctions are found in obese people, because irregularities lead to the desensitisation of its receptors, which results in slowing down of heat release, and excess energy accumulates as a reserve material in fat tissue.

Brown fat tissue is activated under the influence of low temperatures, when it heats the blood flowing through it and spreads it in the body for warming. This process works especially for Eskimos in their natural climate. In a cold environment, the volume of blood transported by it increases significantly, so the energy consumed to heat it also increases.

For the motivated, we have prepared examples of activators converting white fat tissue into brown, that is: physical activity, current weather can only double the efficiency, acids from the Omega3 family or capsaicin contained in chili peppers.