Kombucha – have you already heard of it?

Kombucha is still gaining in popularity. Few people know that this is a drink that originates in Japan, which our ancestors already knew, but for a while it was forgotten… It is slowly entering the market again, more specifically on food and functional beverage shelves.

Kombucha has many fans – maybe because of the sweet taste or feeling refreshing after drinking it? Or is it adored for being healthy (if it is made without unnecessary, artificial additives), and at the same time a colourful and sparkling drink?

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How to prepare for your first visit with a dietician?

Wondering if visiting a dietician is a good idea for you? Will you hesitate or can you cope? Do you feel fear by the unknown? Are you ashamed of your weight or eating habits?
Be sure to look through the rest of the article and you will find that there is nothing to fear!

The decision to start the fight for your dream figure and improve your health is just the beginning of an often long and winding road. After all, it is not easy to admit that you have a problem, all the more so if the problem is extra kilograms.

Unfortunately, as always, the hardest part is to start working. However, if you are already here with us, one of the more difficult steps is behind you!

Continue reading “How to prepare for your first visit with a dietician?”

Recipes for a vegetarian barbeque

Many people avoiding or limiting meat consumption often face monotony, lack of ideas, especially for filling meals for social gatherings.

We know from experience that especially the barbecue season can be a nuisance for such people, so we decided to come to the rescue and share a few quick and simple recipes for a vegetarian grill to enjoy in the last moments of the well-awaited summer.

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Matcha – the queen of all teas

Matcha is a popular powdered type of green tea. It comes from Japan and is distinguished by the traditional way of cultivation and preparation. By shading the bushes for most of their growth, a unique composition of tea leaves is obtained, affecting its unique taste and health-promoting properties. Compared to other types of tea, matcha is free of noticeable bitterness, and its predominant umami taste prevails, from where the claim for its highest quality and unique aroma from other drinks can be derived. Continue reading “Matcha – the queen of all teas”

Some tips on how to count sheep effectively

You suffer from insomnia, counting sheep before bedtime does nothing? Or maybe you always get up with your left leg feeling sleepy and yawning all day?

A night lost because of studying, partying  education, a party, or because of the constant rolling from side to side, may be associated with later fatigue that lasts for several days. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to get back to normal, sleeping up to 12 hours the next day definitely won’t work. Continue reading “Some tips on how to count sheep effectively”