Combinations bringing the most health: young beet leaves & chickpeas

Nowadays, we have virtually endless possibilities of combining various food products. In supermarkets, not only regional and seasonal products are available, but also foreign and exotic ones. Thanks to this, our cuisine certainly becomes diverse and interesting, but you must remember that food interacts with each other, affecting the bioavailability of minerals and vitamins, i.e. the ability of our body to use nutrients. Among nutritionists there is a very good saying, “You are not what you eat but what you digest.” Bad combinations can cause weakness of the digestive tract, decreased immunity, weight gain and many health problems. On the other hand, however, well-selected food products mutually improve the absorption of nutrients causing increased benefits.

Here is one example of the correct combination: young beet leaves & chickpeas

Advantage: a full-fledged shot of minerals that improve mood

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals needed for the proper functioning of the body, which also reduces the feeling of stress and nervous tension. However, a diet of over 70% of us does not provide enough of this valuable trace element. Young beet leaves are full of magnesium, while the richness of chickpeas in vitamin B6 makes magnesium very well absorbed. So combine these two ingredients in a salad or soup, and it gets even better for your health!