The behaviour of grandparents can have a negative influence on children’s health

Dear grandparents, everyone knows that you want the best for your grandchildren. Consider, however, if by chance, completely unconsciously, you are not making mistakes along the way. Parents, look at your own parents and their behaviour towards your children. The freshly published research ruthlessly summed up the influence of grandparents’ care on the grandchildren’s health.

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Meat from the test tube – a bright future or the beginning of trouble?

It has been long known that meat production consumes a lot of energy, requires huge amounts of meadow and field surface. In general, it harms our environment. If there is a problem, it is obvious that we will start looking for solutions. But are the solutions that scientists currently work on are good ones? Hm… it looks like opinions are divided…

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Is remission of diabetes possible?

Every day in Poland, several hundreds of people hear from their doctors that they have been diagnosed with diabetes type II. Based on last year’s data, 2.17 mln people in Poland suffer from this disease. Of course one need to take into consideration the number of people, who are unaware of their condition , which adds up to 2.73 mln in total… I think everyone has heard about it. However, not everyone knows that with a little effort, the complete remission of diabetes is possible.

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Cuisines and cultures of the world, that is curiosities from all around

Summer time is usually the period when many of us go abroad. Holidays provide an excellent opportunity to get to know cultures of other nations. Apart from sightseeing, admiring of landscapes and various sights, a contact with new cuisines is an important element of travelling. We learn about new flavours, combinations, cooking methods, as well as traditions at the table. It is worth to make sure that by mistake we do not commit a cultural faux pas.

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Combinations bringing the most health: young beet leaves & chickpeas

Nowadays, we have virtually endless possibilities of combining various food products. In supermarkets, not only regional and seasonal products are available, but also foreign and exotic ones. Thanks to this, our cuisine certainly becomes diverse and interesting, but you must remember that food interacts with each other, affecting the bioavailability of minerals and vitamins, i.e. the ability of our body to use nutrients. Among nutritionists there is a very good saying, “You are not what you eat but what you digest.” Bad combinations can cause weakness of the digestive tract, decreased immunity, weight gain and many health problems. On the other hand, however, well-selected food products mutually improve the absorption of nutrients causing increased benefits.

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No more excuses ever again! part 2

The end of the school year for parents with children at the school age is often associated with the end of certain duties. You no longer have to drop your kids off to extracurricular activities, you don’t have to sit down with them to do their homework, finally you can find more time for yourself! However, I am sure that still many people will find lots of excuses for not being able to find any time for physical activity for example. Is this the right approach? Of course not! The solution is to learn how to avoid making excuses, which prevent you from being active. Taking control over training can help you to take control over your life. It is time to abolish the most common excuses!

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Strawberries, strawberries, strawberries… mmmm… fruity deliciousness!

Until XIXth century strawberries were an exclusive produce and only the richest could afford to enjoy the sweetness of this red heart-shaped fruit. Today strawberries are one of the most popular seasonal fruit. This is mostly as a result of their amazing taste. However, these berries have much more to offer. They bring a lot of health benefits, related mostly to their antioxidant properties, but not only. Enjoy the strawberries whilst in season, and in a moment you’ll find out about all the things your body is benefiting from!

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Vegetables and fruit in the right quantity can really do wonders!

The season for fresh, aromatic, juicy and full of vitamins and minerals fruit and vegetables is in full swing! Of course every month offers us seasonal and wholesome fruit and vegetables, but spring and summer bring us a large variety and richness of colourful ‘healthiness’! You can easily become a rabbit and munch on raw fruit and veg all the time! So how much of this veg and fruit should we be really eating? And what do we gain from it?

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