Metabolic syndrome is a group of disorders that form a prelude to serious disease entities, which include, but is not limited to, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
You can’t underestimate the metabolic syndrome, which is an announcement and an alarm condition before further complications.
Look at your health and laboratory results and think about whether:
- you suffer from dyslipidemia – do you have elevated levels of triacylglycerols, LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol or reduced HDL cholesterol?
- is your waist circumference too big (i.e. more than 102 cm for men, 88 cm for women)? Do you suffer from abdominal obesity?
- Is your blood pressure too high?
- Your carbohydrate economy is not too well? Maybe insulin resistance develops (which you can read more about HERE) or maybe your fasting glucose level is not within 100 mg/dL?
If you can answer yes to most of the above questions, a red light should come on in your head. The above-mentioned factors significantly increase the risk of coronary heart disease, which is one of the main causes of death.This may be the last chance to guard against the consequences of metabolic syndrome!
What threatens you if you don’t act?
cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack;
- clinical obesity;
- renal failure;
- non-alcoholic fatty liver;
- and many other chronic diseases.
So what is the solution to the problem? How to guard against metabolic syndrome? What to do when you are struggling with it?
Increase the daily one, regarding daily activities and lifestyle (walking stairs instead of the lift, walking instead of the car), as well as add extra effort – gym, fitness, bike, swimming, nordic walking – whatever you prefer. Exercise will increase insulin sensitivity, improve blood lipid metabolism, and accelerate fat reduction.
Eat more vegetables (minimum 400 g per day), eat fruit daily (minimum one serving – maximum three).
Avoid processed foods, focus on freshness and seasonality.
Give up fast food, sweets and sweetened drinks.
Replace animal fat with vegetable fat – give up lard, bacon, sausages, ready-made mixtures of minced meat and other fatty meats.
Instead, introduce nuts and seeds into your diet, invest in good-quality vegetable oils – olive oil or linseed oil.
Replace cleaned (white) cereal with whole grains.
Make sure you include fish in your diet – at least three servings a week!
Try to reduce stress to a minimum. Chronic stress can lead to a feeling of constant fatigue, generalised inflammation of the body, but also to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal cavity, which negatively affects your health and is closely related to the occurrence of metabolic syndrome.
Less stress means less health problems!
Does it seem easy to you? Let’s get to work!
You don’t know where to start? Do you lack the support of another person or motivation? Do you prefer to first consult a specialist to get the most effective results? Welcome! We’ll start together, support you and guide you along the way, and finally the greatest reward – your health – will be waiting for you!