TOS, or Upper Chest Hole Syndrome

Do you feel numbness, weakness or pain in your hand? Do you notice that your hand turns chalky white or cyan blue? Is it getting cold or swollen?

These specific symptoms may indicate Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). This is due to pressure on the brachial plexus, subclavian and axillary arteries or the subclavian vein. Pressure can give structures such as: sloping neck muscles, subclavian muscle, the so-called cervical rib or smaller pectoral muscle.

People who repeatedly make some movements using the excessive force of the upper limbs, at the same time with incorrect body posture and, as a consequence, lower the shoulder girdle and hypertrophy of its muscles are exposed to TOS. These are, for example, bodybuilders, swimmers, miners, people after injuries and people with congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system (cervical rib).

The correct diagnosis of TOS is essential because the above conditions can also be caused by many other factors, e.g. cervical hernia or deep vein thrombosis. Therefore, it is worth going to an experienced doctor or physiotherapist who will make the correct diagnosis and order the appropriate treatment, because the above symptoms must not be ignored.