The treasury of knowledge about edema and comprehensive antioedematous therapy

What is swelling? Where does it come from? And what are its types? Is it possible to do something with it? Find answers to these questions here!

We call edema an excessive accumulation of fluids in the body cavities or intercellular spaces. Swollen feet after a day, the inability to remove a ring or puffy eyes are some of the most common examples. Do not ignore any of them, because they can signal many diseases!

Types of edema according to one of the classifications:

  • Lymphatic – arise when your lymphatic system is inefficient, most often around the subcutaneous tissue. They often occur after surgical treatment of malignant tumors, when it was necessary to remove lymph nodes. These, in turn, can be divided into:
    • Primary – these are developmental disorders of lymphatic vessels;
    • Secondary – arise as a result of damage to lymphatic vessels (radiotherapy, surgery), removal of lymph nodes or chronic inflammation.
  • Venous – are formed as a result of venous insufficiency, which leads to an increase in venous pressure.

COMPREHENSIVE ANTIOEDEMATOUS THERAPY is the main form of edema treatment. It consists of:

  • Manual lymphatic drainage;
  • Pneumatic compression;
  • Bandaging;
  • Exercises to improve the outflow of lymph;
  • Special compression products;
  • Skin care;
  • Kinesiotaping;
  • Patient education and self-therapy.

Contraindications to KTP:

  • Absolute:
    • deep vein thrombosis;
    • inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • Relative:
    • heart failure;
    • diabetes with neuropathy;
    • disturbed peripheral circulation.

And what are the main goals of such therapy?

  1. Above all, preventing the formation of edema or reduction of an existing one;
  2. Improvement of the quality of life;
  3. Improvement of the range of mobility in the joints;
  4. Improvement of skin condition;
  5. Maintaining normal muscle strength.

Do you have any questions or problems with edema? Get in touch with the physiotherapist!