Generally, sciatica is a condition in which some structure is compressed on the sciatic nerve. This nerve comes from the so-called sacral plexus, i.e. the connection of nerve roots coming out of the segments of the spine from L4 to S3. Further passes through the buttock, along the back of the thigh, and in the popliteal below it branches to the tibial and common peroneal nerve, which run down to the toes of the foot. The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the human body.
How can his pressure come about? For example, by protruding the intervertebral disc, degenerative changes in the intervertebral joints, which leads to narrowing of the spinal canal (stenosis), bone growths on the vertebral bodies, permanent shift of the vertebral bodies relative to each other (spondylolisthesis), excessive soft tissue tension, e.g. pear muscle pear muscle). Pain caused by pressure can hurt locally or radiate along the limb up to the toes.
What is best to do then? The least painful position may be lying on your front with a pillow under your belly to reduce lordosis and, consequently, pain, although this is not the rule. The nerves like heat very much, so all kinds of warm baths or applying a hot water bottle in the most sensitive place can bring relief. However, to get rid of the cause, you should go to an experienced physiotherapist who will check what is the cause of sciatica and apply the appropriate therapy.