Scar – and what next?

The correct scar is light, flat and, above all, does not give any symptoms, e.g. does not itch. Does a proper scar require work?

An incorrectly healed scar, i.e. one that itches, hurts, is hypertrophied, often causes anxiety. Unfortunately, it turns out that even a properly healed scar requires restoration of adequate mobility relative to deeper tissues to prevent adhesions.

What’s up with these adhesions? When the skin is broken (in a deeper layer than the epidermis), the body produces new tissue, which unfortunately does not have the same structure as intact skin. Scar tissue is much denser, less elastic, and its collagen fibers are arranged in a rather chaotic manner. This structure often grows to deeper layers, which causes the tissue slide to be disturbed. This may cause local symptoms such as a scar in the shoulder area causing limited range of motion, or more distant symptoms such as headaches after caesarean section.

To work with scars, among others, deep tissue massage techniques, kinesiotaping, or scar mobilisation are used. Thanks to this, we look after not only the appearance of the scar, but above all we prevent its negative effects.

Sounds positive? Working with specialists always brings positive effects, and we struggle with all negatives!