Do you already know yoga?

Backache, low physical activity, do you want to change something but you don’t know where to start? Or maybe you run marathons, lift weights, train crossfit and think that yoga classes will be too easy for you? You may be surprised …

Do you also belong to people who think that yoga is just a very easy relaxation classes? Or maybe you only associate it with standing on its head and rolling the body into a shape of pretzel? Let’s take a closer look at it.

The yoga system can be beneficial not only for people who are crazy about sports, but also for those who are more crazy in an office chair. Continue reading “Do you already know yoga?”

Reading labels, or the answer to the question “to eat or not to eat?” – E951

Also known as E951, a non-food additive. Commonly used as a sugar substitute, however, one that exceeds its sweetness up to 300 times with minimal calories, which makes it even more tempting to reach for products with the light designation.

It is extremely attractive for producers of food, beverages and medicines due to the comparably low price. It can also be found on the list of ingredients of chewing gums.

What are we talking about ?! Read on!

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Useful fat tissue?

There are two types of fat tissue in the human body – white and brown. But why do we need both?

White fat tissue participates in metabolic changes in the body, plays a secretory role, is a storage for excess energy, protects internal organs against mechanical damage and absorbs shocks. What’s more, it is the brown fat tissue that everyone desires! But why exactly?

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The combinations that bring the most health: green tea & lemon

Nowadays, we have practically endless possibilities of combining various food products. Supermarkets do not only offer regional and seasonal products, but also foreign, exotic ones. Thanks to this, our kitchen certainly becomes diverse and interesting, but it must be remembered that food interacts with each other, influencing the bioavailability of minerals and vitamins, which is our body’s ability to use nutrients. Among diet specialists, there is a very correct saying: “you are not what you eat but what you digest.” Bad combinations can cause weakness of the digestive tract, reduce immunity, gain weight and many other health problems. On the other hand, well-chosen food products mutually improve the absorption of nutrients, resulting in increased benefits.

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Proper hydration is the key to well-being, health and beautiful appearance

Proper hydration is very important for the functioning of your body. After all, the human body is primarily composed of water. As children, we have as much as 75% of water in our bodies, then with age, the water content decreases. In a young adult man, water constitutes 60%. Looking after a correct fluid balance is extremely important. Here you will find answers to questions about how much to drink, what is best to drink and whether it is definitely mineral water.

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Discover the strength of the Maya sealed in tiny chia seeds

Once upon a time, before the Spaniards conquered South America, chia seeds were the main food in the Aztec and Maya diets. Most of the evidence available to us shows that the population has known and used chia seeds since around 3500 BC. Aztecs and Maya milled the seeds into flour, they pressed oil and drank drinks from water-soaked chia seeds.

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A few tips to make a beginning of your beautiful running adventure easier

Nice weather, sun is shining, days are getting longer … and if we add a trend of being fit and running, it turns out that we meet runners every few meters on  the park path.

Some have been running for a long time and others are just starting their running adventure. These beginners of course do not know anything about training or running yet, but can you determine what are the most common mistakes of amateur runners?

Continue reading “A few tips to make a beginning of your beautiful running adventure easier”