Carrying a purse, healthy or unhealthy?

Have you ever wondered what the effect of carrying a purse on your health is? The question may sound dangerous, but think about how much your bag weighs? Unfortunately, we walk with such a burden all day, for many, many years, because after all, handbags begin to be worn already in high school. Some people come up with the idea of ​​putting books there and carrying them instead of a backpack. Now imagine what changes this leads to in your body: it starts to hurt your spine, and how! In addition, sometimes the shoulder ache, sometimes the head, and the neck also hurts …

Repeated pressure on the shoulder may result in excessive pressure on soft tissues and, as a consequence, on nerves and blood vessels. This will be manifested by radiation along the limb or blood supply disorders. It can also cause neuropathy, and hence muscular atrophy. We often blame it for our sedentary work or lack of movement, which is also the cause of such ailments, but this unfortunate purse can be the main culprit.

So how do you get out of it? Dear Ladies, backpacks are in fashion now, so do not be afraid to use them. There are a lot of them, so surely everyone will choose something for themselves. Alternatively, if you can’t part with your purse, try to at least change your arms or carry it over your shoulder. Avoid wearing on a bent elbow, as this overloads your biceps excessively, and hence the short path to Subacromial Impingement Syndrome.