Numbness of the fingers? Weakened grip? Maybe it’s a neglected problem in the carpal tunnel… What is the risk of further neglect? Read it yourself!
Carpal tunnel affects people who overload the flexors of the fingers and the wrist. For example, people who work in the office (computer mouse), drivers, tennis players and many other professions struggle with it.
Carpal tunnel is the mechanical pressure on a nerve in the carpal tunnel. The condition can be caused by many factors. Most often these are rheumatic diseases, hormonal disorders (hypothyroidism) or muscle overload (working at the computer, cutting hard vegetables …). Ailments can also occur through structures in the carpal tunnel, such as lipoma or ganglion.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include numbness and pain around the thumb, forefinger and part of the ring finger. Over time, the symptoms may radiate to your forearm or shoulder. If the problem is underestimated, carpal tunnel can lead to a reduction in hand function by weakening muscle strength, chronic numbness, and weakening of skin sensation.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can be reduced by myofascial therapy, nerve mobilisation, stretching and strengthening of muscles.
So you can deal with carpal tunnel syndrome, you can avoid invasive and for some risky surgical intervention. However, you need to start acting, you need to seek help from a physiotherapist. Best now!