Black cumin oil – liquid gold?

Black seed, which is becoming more and more popular, is a plant with potential healing properties.

The most popular form is the seed oil.

Black cumin is a well-known raw material in folk medicine. It has been used in many disorders of the body, including digestive disorders, intestinal inflammation, allergies, lipid disorders or carbohydrate metabolism.

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Oregano oil – your ally

Oregano is mainly recognised as spice. However, the oil made of it can turn out to be a great health-promoting product!

Oregano oil can be used both internally and externally. It is perfect for both the care of demanding skin and supporting the body during infection.

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Something for people planning to expand their family

People planning to start a family (yes, this is not only a task for women!) should start preparing their body at an early, very early stage. There is talk of preparations leading up to a pregnancy by up to several years.

Why so early? It is easier to intervene, change the diet or introduce treatment if the medical condition requires it, spreading it over a longer period of time. Some changes cannot be expected immediately.

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How to get out of the reduction period without the yo-yo effect?

In many cases, instead of changing eating habits, there is a “switch to diet”. This results in a sudden return to old habits and the usually higher calorie diet. The period of reduction should be the beginning of changes taking place both in the body and in thinking. The diet should not have a limited “from-to” time, it should permanently change health behaviour for the better, it should be permanent.


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Can food improve your mood?

During quarantine, many people treat food as a stepping stone from daily routine. In many homes, scenes from Master Chef are currently playing out.

An inherent function of consumed meals is to improve mood. This is because of the company, the atmosphere at the table or the delicacies served, which melt in your mouth. There is an opinion that what is tasty is not healthy, and healthy “things” must be forced into yourself. Not once have we refuted this myth, but this time I would like to focus on aspects of healthy food in terms of raising satisfaction and improving mood.

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Insulin resistance, what is that?

Can you be resistant to your own hormones?

Every day in our diet consultancy we come across many disease entities. We are pleased that more and more conscious patients report to us with blood results in their hands and motivation for change. Often, the impulse for a broader diagnosis is the effort put into the set goal, and the result is poor.

Many people report a problem with excess weight, resistant to reduction. Often, as it turns out later, the problem lies in abnormal carbohydrate metabolism.

Do not give up when all actions taken do not yield in the expected results!

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Proper storage of products

In the face of Easter and the accumulated food reserves, we would like to draw your attention to the problem of food waste. In the last post (you can find it HERE) we wrote how to prepare for celebrations sensibly and how to share the excess of festive dishes with those in need with openness of heart.

Acting with zerowaste with mind we try to value and use what we have.

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