About us

Just Health means:

  • commitment and passion, which we would like to instil in you;
  • extensive knowledge of healthy life style, which we would like to share with you;
  • practical understanding of the foreign methodologies, thanks to which our meetings will bring the awaited results;
  • willingness and ability to listen to your requests and problems;
  • professional training, during which we dedicate most time to practical exercises, because we know that “practice makes perfect”;
  • modern software and latest technology devices.

Our specialists:

dietitian and personal trainer Hania Juchniewicz-Zbroja
personal trainer, expert in providing children with great fun and paramedic Dawid Zbroja


Hania Juchniewicz-Zbroja

  • PhD student at the Institute of Functional Diagnostics and Physical Medicine of the Pomeranian Medical University
  • MSc Human Nutrition with specialisation in Obesity and Weight Management, University of Glasgow
  • BSc Sports Biomedicine, University of Dundee
  • Professional Personal Trainer
  • Physical Activity Instructor with specialisation Cancer & Exercise Rehabilitation (REPs – level 4)
  • Certified Massage Therapist with a number of additional courses
A few words from Hania
I would like to develop promotion of healthy life style in Poland, in particular in Szczecin. I believe that we do not pay enough attention to medical prevention in our region. My studies abroad have made me aware that diet and exercise is not only an excellent medical prevention, but also an effective method for curing a number of diseases. I would like to share my knowledge and experience with you.

The individual nutritional counselling and physical activity in the UK is much more developed and widespread. Therefore, the standards developed for professionalists are at a much higher level, as well as are more advanced. Thanks to my studies abroad I had an opportunity to familiarise myself with these innovative methods. Throughout my time in the UK, I learnt about the foreign standards of counseling, as well as the newest trends in the area of healthy lifestyle.

I possess knowledge not only about fundamental disciplines, such as anatomy, physiology and human metabolism, but I am also familiar with the rules of training in disease and fundamental principles of coaching, sport psychology, sport pharmacology, as well as regulation of the use of energy and oxygen. This knowledge is of great importance, because thanks to this training sessions that are arranged by me are professional, safe, as well as effective. The knowledge of topics from such a wide range makes me aware of the consequences of wrong posture when exercising with loading and the wrong choice of exercise for people with health problems. In addition, thanks to the extensive knowledge of the metabolism and human physiology, I fully understand the processes occurring in the body as a result of physical exercise. This fact is very important in the selection of an effective training plan. However, I do not think that I already know everything … In my opinion, a person who cares for the health of others should stay ‘up to date’ with recent developments and continue gaining new knowledge. I am currently pursuing a PhD at the Pomeranian Medical University, thanks to which I broaden my knowledge and skills in a number of different areas, including functional diagnostics and physical medicine.

My work experience gained at the Institute of Sport and Exercise in Dundee has confirmed that this is an area, I wanted to work in. I gained practical skills in running personal training and providing advice on correct techniques when exercising. I also run group fitness classes for women with breast cancer, people with diabetes and patients with cardiovascular problems. Training is a great fun and rest for me, but principally it represents my lifestyle.

In addition to my everyday professional practice, I am also involved in teaching students pursuing a degree in Dietetics at the Pomeranian Medical University. I believe this provides an excellent evidence that I would like to share my knowledge and experience with others. I hope that thanks to your decision to make an appointment with Just Health, I’ll gain an opportunity to share that also with you! ad have made me aware that diet and exercise is not only an excellent medical prevention, but also an effective method for curing a number of diseases. I would like to share my knowledge and experience with you!




Dawid Zbroja

      • Excellent organiser of  children activities
      • First aid training manager and  first aid coach
      • Sailing coach in Dobra Marina Sport Club
      • Swimming coach and Pool Lifeguard
      • Educator, physical education teacher
      • Paramedic at the Intensive Care Unit, Emergency Medical Service as well as at the Polish Association of People with Mental Impairment
A few words from Dawid
I have been teaching since 1999, and saving lives since 2001. I spent four years in the UK working in the healthcare sector, initially as a career and then as a physical activity leader. It is there where I passed my lifeguard and swimming instructor exams. Thanks to these qualifications, I gained experience in teaching swimming at the sport facilities across the UK. It is then that I also learnt the secrets of training in the West. Thanks to this, the training that Just Health offers is very different to the one you may be used to. Even First Aid, which is a hard, but necessary topic to revise, was very taught in a very systematic, easy and interesting way. The experience of living and working abroad has taught me to apply the relevant level of difficulty, mixing theory with fun, as well as professionalism and openness.

Return to Poland in 2008 meant for me going back to medicine, when I was recruited at the Intensive Care Unit, Emergency Medical Service, at the same time I began to work in the area of First Aid training and started sailing classes for children. I did not have to wait long for first successes of my pupils – they won Regional, Inter-Regional Championship, as well as second place at the National Championship.

My hobby has been undeniably sailing (for 30 years now), however every day I am actively involved in other sports, such as running (for 20 years), cycling (for 15 years), swimming (for 30 years), basketball (for 25 years), indoor climbing (for 5 years) and squash (for 10 years). On the professional side of things, teaching and training of other people is my biggest passion. I never stand still, I continually evolve my training methods introducing innovative practice so that people using my services can gain as many practical skills as possible.