Massage – facts and myths!

You surely heard that massage does not give anything, and anyone can be a masseur. Or that massage is just “stroking”, so how can it cure anything? And besides, only the rich can benefit from it. Or maybe you were told that when the masseur was causing pain, it means they did something wrong? Nothing more wrong! We overthrow these and other myths!

1. Can anyone be massaging?
Many people are skeptical about visiting a massage room because they hear from many sources that you can become a masseur after a weekend course or getting fictitious qualifications on the internet. Although it is still possible to find incompetent and uneducated people, there are fewer and fewer ones on the market. When choosing a specialist, you always have the right to ask for the diplomas and qualifications of employees who often turn out to be physiotherapists or masseurs who are specialised in this field.

2. Massage does not cure
Nothing more wrong! Although it is associated with something relaxing, hardly anyone knows that the area of physiotherapy called massage has developed over the years and in addition to relaxing massages, you can also take advantage of therapeutic massages that help get rid of pain and all kinds of muscle tension.

 3. When the massage hurts it is poorly performed
If we are talking about a relaxing massage, it should not really hurt, but the healing massage is a bit different. Many of them, for example, sports massage are painful for the patient and the masseur performs them on the verge of pain. It sometimes happens that the pain lasts a few days after the massage and it is not abnormal.

4. Only affluent people can afford a massage
Not true!!!! Massage prices are very affordable. In addition, you can take advantage of massages in the form of packages which further reduces their price. Be careful, however, if the price for a massage is extremely low, it should awaken your vigilance and make you look deeper into whether or not you are putting yourself in good hands.

I think that we managed to refute the most frequently appearing myths about massage. All that remains is to come and try one of the massage techniques. We invite you!