Active foot

When we start to go to the gym (or doing any other sport) we care about improving health. After some time, the more ambitious realise that healthy exercise is more than “going on the treadmill and jogging” or “throw a barbell on the back and do some squats.” They pay attention to the condition of the knees, spine, maybe some more exercises strengthening the shoulder joint.

And have you ever focused on the foot?

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Do you already know yoga?

Backache, low physical activity, do you want to change something but you don’t know where to start? Or maybe you run marathons, lift weights, train crossfit and think that yoga classes will be too easy for you? You may be surprised …

Do you also belong to people who think that yoga is just a very easy relaxation classes? Or maybe you only associate it with standing on its head and rolling the body into a shape of pretzel? Let’s take a closer look at it.

The yoga system can be beneficial not only for people who are crazy about sports, but also for those who are more crazy in an office chair. Continue reading “Do you already know yoga?”

An organ underestimated by us, i.e. the diaphragm

The diaphragm through its extensive insertions connects with many organs and structures, for example, the lumbar spine, and more specifically with the 1-3 lumbar vertebra, with the esophagus (which passes through the diaphragm), with the liver, stomach, spleen, colon, duodenum, heart using ligaments and lungs with pleural effusion. Respiratory movements of the diaphragm are strongly connected to the work of other organs through receptors. Thus, if the diaphragm’s work is disturbed, then the discomfort may even occur in distant organs. However, you can exercise the diaphragm yourself at home!

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Discover the strength of the Maya sealed in tiny chia seeds

Once upon a time, before the Spaniards conquered South America, chia seeds were the main food in the Aztec and Maya diets. Most of the evidence available to us shows that the population has known and used chia seeds since around 3500 BC. Aztecs and Maya milled the seeds into flour, they pressed oil and drank drinks from water-soaked chia seeds.

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A few tips to make a beginning of your beautiful running adventure easier

Nice weather, sun is shining, days are getting longer … and if we add a trend of being fit and running, it turns out that we meet runners every few meters on  the park path.

Some have been running for a long time and others are just starting their running adventure. These beginners of course do not know anything about training or running yet, but can you determine what are the most common mistakes of amateur runners?

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Shin splints, i.e. functional overload among runners

Are you physically active? Do you run a lot, walk, play football?
So you can struggle with such ailment as the antero-medial pain of the tibia, which begins during training (which cannot be dispersed), or after training. The name of this disease is shin splints, more precisely MTSS (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome). The pain is dull, diffuse, stinging, not allowing the continuation of activity. The medial part of the lower leg is very tender, lumps may appear.

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Outdoor training – advantage no 2

We have so many days off this coming long weekend that it is hard not to use it to spend time actively in the open air! However, do not try to go to the gym on these days off! Remember that a treadmill cannot replace a forest path, and a stationary bike is not able to match the ride on an off-road bike. There is nothing to wait for, take your running shoes and set off to conquer the park and inflate the tires of your bike to face the forest paths. You don’t have the motivation to move out of your chair? Here is the number two advantage of outdoor training!

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Outdoor training – advantage no 1

While the convenience of the gym in the form of an air-conditioned room and reliable and predictable conditions is undeniable especially in winter, more and more scientists are providing us with evidence confirming the advantages of outdoor physical activity. It turns out that the treadmill can not be replaced by a forest path, and a stationary bike is not comparable with cycling in the field. There is nothing to wait for, today is the first day of Spring, so take your running shoes and set off to conquer the park and inflate your bicycle tires to face the forest paths. No motivation to leave the gym you know by heart? Here is the number one advantage of outdoor training!

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